Saturday, January 30, 2010


Concepts and brief description:

When recruiting a new employee, HRM need to select the applications and résumés that are sent. Five steps compose the recruitment process.
First of all, the selection of resumes should be done by screening the applications, testing the applicant, interviewing the person, checking on references, and making a decision.
Second, the evaluation process whose applicants will go through should be reliable, legal, valid, generalizable, and of high-utility.
Third, the application should contain the contact information of the applicant, his work experience, his educational background, and his signature.
Fourth, the employment tests should deal with physical ability, cognitive capacity, personality inventories, honesty and drug tests, and medical examinations.
Finally, the way HRM will communicate the decision should include the job responsibilities, the work schedule, the rate of pay, and the starting date, as well as a dead line to accept or refuse the offer.

Emotional hook:

For my first job in America, the rate of pay was not confirmed by HRM. As a consequence, an important misunderstanding appeared the very first month. In many situations, this very point can create unnecessary tensions and problems for a new employee.

Key to elicit discussions:
The strategy HRM choose to recruit employees needs to be tested and confirmed efficient in order to save as much time as possible in order to choose a new employee.

Facilitative questions:

Should HRM use the same strategy to interview every single applicant? How can HRM create tests and strategies which will guarantee that the company hires the right person?

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